3-night stay for the price of 2!

Restaurant-Pizzeria "La Ruota"

Located in front of Hotel La Ruota, it is the ideal place for an informal lunch/dinner in a cosy family atmosphere thanks to Emilio and Silvana’s warm welcome.

Open to the public and hotel guests every day- (closed on Monday)

As per tradition, feel pampered throughout your meal.

Let yourself be advised by the experience and professionalism of Emilio and Silvana: they will welcome you with a wide selection of typical dishes.

Appetizers, first courses, fresh catch, frogs, barbecued meat and fish, mushrooms and truffles in season, pizzas baked in the wood-fired oven, tasty desserts and exotic fruit triumphs.

Be pampered by the familiarity of our cuisine as if you were at home.

On closing day, you can make reservations at the hotel restaurant, which is open to all.

Hotel Restaurant

The Hotel Restaurant is available for large events on request, but to ensure a consistent service, on Mondays we are opened for the public and hotel guests.

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Per i nostri Ospiti “Business” e per le aziende saremo lieti di riservare particolari tariffe convenzionate.

Per i pagamenti si accettano Carte di Credito e Satispay

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Availability request

Send your reservation request by filling out the form in its entirety. We will contact you as soon as possible to confirm availability and reservation.

For our “Business” Guests and companies we will be glad to reserve special discounted rates.

We accept payments by Credit Cards and Satispay

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